Cybercriminals use a variety of methods to spread malicious software on social networks. Since users control the content of their own profile they can add malicious content to the pages.

Cybercriminals use a variety of methods to spread malicious software on social networks. Since users control the content of their own profile they can add malicious content to the pages. One of the most obvious attacks is to redirect the user to an external malicious site which is fully controlled by the attacker. Cybercriminals use fake accounts to post malicious links and users are tricked through embedded active contents such as JavaScript, Flash videos and iframe tags that redirect the user automatically to malicious websites or install malicious software.
I am victim of malware attack – what to do?
- Log out from your social media account
- Disconnect from the Internet
- Scan your computer
- Change your password on the social media.
How can I prevent malware attacks?
- Keep your computer or mobile device accessing social media secure
- Keep your operating system and applications patched
- Use an updated browser
- Use a password that it is difficult to crack
- Install an up-to-date anti-virus software on the computer
- Adjust Privacy settings
- Read the social media guide to Privacy
- Think carefully about choosing your friends
- Show “limited friends” a cut-down version of your profile
- Disable options, then open them one by on