Identity Theft

Identity Theft

Identity theft occurs when a person make use of someone else personally identifying information (e.g. name, address, phone numbers, date of birth, email address) without their consent.

Identity theft occurs when a person make use of someone else personally identifying information (e.g. name, address, phone numbers, date of birth, email address) without their consent. Pictures of the victim may also be used to impersonate the victim. In most cases, identity theft is used to create fake accounts on social media.

I became victim of identity Theft. What to do?

  • Report the identity theft to the social media provider
  • Report it to MAUCORS+

How can I protect from Identity Theft?

  • Do not disclose personal information online
  • Understand the information shared online may be permanent
  • Do not accept friend requests from strangers
  • Do not open attachments when you are not confident of the sender
  • Beware of links received on social media that ask for personal information